Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Night, October 11, 2009

This is Tina, Brad spoke with Mitchell a little while ago and he's feeling pretty beat up from his travels so I thought I'd send out a note.

Mitchell and Timothy arrived yesterday in Ohio. They checked into a hotel last night. Fortunately tonight they were able to get into the Ronald McDonald house. This is good news and should help with the financial burden that this is putting onto Mitchell. As you can imagine. The hospital wants all their financial obligations up front. So for an open heart surgery you know this is huge. Every little bit helps. Being able to stay there will help them to focus on the task at hand. One less thing to worry about.

Brad said Mitchell sounded really wiped out. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders. After they checked into the Ronald McDonald house they went grocery shopping. Mitch made dinner for Timothy and then Timothy went to bed to get some rest for tomorrows schedule.

Tomorrow, Monday October 12, 2009 Timothy will start going through the preliminary tests required before his surgery.

Prayer requests... Please pray for Mitchell to have the strength he needs. Ask that God would surround Mitchell with medical workers and others staying in the Ronald McDonald house that they would uplift and encourage both of them. Pray that Mitchell would sense God's presence and help him not to feel alone. Pray for Timothy to be strong and courageous though his pre surgical tests and that he will have peace knowing that it will be God overseeing the surgery. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. Mitchell & Timothy,
    Please know that you are absolutely in mine and our prayers for God to touch Timothy and do the work that only He can do and to encourage and lift both of you up to be given divine strength in a way that only the Mighty Physician and Loving Father can do! Please be encouraged and know that you are loved, continuously in the prayers of many....and that God moves when others seem to stand still! In His Incredible Love, Extraordinary Mercy, Outrageous Joy & Amazing, yet Sufficient Grace, Karen Garritson : )
